Building For Mission:
To reach people more effectively with the Good News of Jesus
Why BFM?
In 2017 the leadership of St John’s moved towards responding to a call that God had placed on St John’s for many years, namely to make our main buildings fit for current and future purposes, and so we began work on our ‘Building for Mission’ project.
The journey so far…
The genesis of Building for Mission at St John’s goes back many years as the need to enlarge, remodel and update our building plant was progressively identified. On the night before our current building was opened back in 1960 the then Vicar, Canon Bill Leatham, said “It is my conviction that within a generation this building will be too small”. Well, here we are 59 years later, and this is indeed the case! Now, almost 20 years on from when the first serious discussions took place about a substantial rebuild, the time has come to respond to what we believe is God’s call on us to make our main buildings fit not only for our current purposes, but also for the generations to come.
We need a warm, open and welcoming place where people can meet with and be equipped to serve the God who loves us and who calls us to be a vehicle of His welcoming grace and mercy. An attractive frontage, a spacious circulation area, more floor space on two floors for our halls and meeting rooms, new heating, lighting and air distribution, a complete redecoration of the main worship area and remaining rooms, and much more will all make this possible.
The schedule below illustrates the key steps taken so far in developing the team, the plans, the cost and the permissions for the Building for Mission project.
Next steps
Coming up in the next few months we expect the following events to take place:
Write here…
Money raised
The tithe
The tithe of £427,000 will be given to support a variety of activities including mission, evangelism, both within and outside the UK along with support for local Churches and other projects over time. The detailed work on how this money should be used will begin shortly as we prayerfully seek God’s call on this financial resource as part of our mission to help others to reach those who do not know Jesus.
The finances
We have now reached 85% of our overall target of £4.7m
which is both exciting and encouraging and we already
have over £3m in the bank with most of the
remaining pledge money due to be given this year.
This has meant that we have been able to go ahead with the building work,
and move and out of the building.
How to get involved
Prayer is a vital part of our Building for Mission journey, in fact it’s impossible without it! Please do continue to pray for the practical things as well as guidance from God when it comes to making decisions.
The finances for this project wouldn’t be possible without the incredibly extravagant generosity of St John’s congregation and community. We still haven’t quite reached out target yet, so please consider giving. One way to do this is to complete a pledge form and return it to the Church Office.
Whilst we are out of our normal premises, there will be lots to do, and a greater need for people to serve. From packing to moving out to setting up new venues, we need everyone playing their role as part of one big team to make this happen.
Most importantly our aim is to bring the Good News of Jesus to people, and one of the best ways to do that is by loving our community.
BFM Steering Group
The Building Steering Group meets regularly to ensure the project is kept on track. The group is made up of staff and members of our congregation, these include: Leonard Browne, Antony Spencer, Steve Foster, Ruth Downing, Paul Featherstone, Alastair Baillie and David Harvey.
Keep in the loop
If you would like to receive email updates about the Building for Mission project please email, or if you have any questions relating to the project email