We believe that God is a loving Father who wants to see people healed. Most people know someone who is affected by illness or sickness, but we believe this is not God’s desire, instead He wants everyone to enjoy freedom and wholeness. Our church is committed to following all that Jesus taught and commanded, including ministering healing in His Name, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Healing Prayer Centre
Tuesdays weekly | Appointments from 14.30 & 19.30 (term time only) | The Crossway, B17 0DT
The Healing Prayer Centre takes place weekly in a quiet dedicated space, allowing for conversation and prayer to be facilitated. Our trained team will meet with anyone seeking healing for physical, emotional or spiritual sickness, aiming to bring God’s healing power and presence into your circumstances through the power of prayer.
To allow sufficient time for each individual, we ask people to make an appointment in advance. Each session will last between 30 - 45 minutes.
To book an appointment or for more information, please contact our team on healingprayercentre@stjohnsharborne.org.
Prayer on Sundays
Every Sunday, we like to give people the opportunity to respond to what has been said during the talk, as well as receive prayer for other situations, such as healing. If you would like prayer for healing or anything else, please feel free to approach the service leader at one of our gatherings.
Find out more
For more information about the healing prayer ministry at St John’s contact Antony on antonyspencer@stjohnsharborne.org