Eco Group
The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. (Psalm 24:1)
The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. (Psalm 24:1)
The group are committed to increasing awareness about how we can all make changes that will contribute to greater care for creation in our own lifestyle choices as well as at Church
The group members are Alistair Baillie, Adrian and Judith Collings, Catherine Field, Andy and Rhoda Schofield and Catherine White.
Caring for creation is an essential part of worshipping God and loving our neighbours as ourselves.
St John’s was awarded the Bronze Eco Church award from A Rocha in 2021. A Rocha’s Eco Church programme helps equip churches to care for Creation by providing a framework and ideas to improve our carbon footprint. This includes Worship and teaching, Church buildings, global and community engagement and Church family lifestyle.
We’re on a journey towards the Silver award, a mark of our commitment to improving our care of Creation.
Government advisers urge all of us to reduce our meat intake to protect the planet.
The UN estimates that livestock emissions make up 14% of all man-made green house gases 50kg of gases are released to produce 100g of protein
A chocolate bar from the deforested rainforest emits more than a serving of low impact beef
A portion of the highest impact vegetable proteins emits less than the lowest impact meat proteins
For more information read
What we can we do to reduce the carbon footprint of what we eat?
Reduce the amount of meat proteins we eat
Buy according to season and buy locally produced meat and vegetables
Reduce our food wastage
Check our Eco Tips for more ideas
Greenhouse gas emissions are lower from British cattle due to our landscape and climate
We're committed to increasing awareness about how we can all make changes that will contribute to greater care for creation.
It’s not always easy to know where to start, or how to get buy-in from other members of the household! So, we have compiled a lifestyle audit to help each of us to review where we are at in caring for creation.
It should take you about 5-10 minutes to complete the audit. It will help you identify where you are doing well and many of the questions will provide you with easy ideas for changes you could make to improve.
Try reducing your meat intake by at least one day a week.
Source your meat locally.
Combine meat and vegetable proteins in your meals: combine meat and soy mince (such as Quorn) in a ragu.
Stir-frying makes meat go further because it is sliced thinly
Explore recipes without meat. Find one you enjoy and share it with someone else. (Catherine’s current favourite is cannellini bean and sweet potato patties)
Help to reduce food waste: Have you tried the app which helps reduce food waste? You can buy leftover food in your local area for a bargain price from restaurants, cafes and shops. Reducing food waste is good for the planet and you can benefit too.
Note: please consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet and check your nutrient and macro nutrient intake are right for you.
If you still have questions about St Johns and Creation care contact