Bake and Pray 2019
“It is a simple way of blessing and thanking all our businesses on Harborne High Street for their services to the community throughout the year.”
Once more, as Christmas approaches, it’s that time of year when we can all think about being involved in “Bake and Pray” - now in its 17th year and still going strong! It is a simple way of blessing and thanking all our businesses on Harborne High Street for their services to the community throughout the year.
The list stands at 166 shops/businesses. Once again, there have been a number of changes. Several familiar businesses have closed down or moved on, new ones have taken their place, and some are opening soon (maybe in time to receive a cake!).
There are changes with St Johns Church building too! Anyone walking down the High Street can’t fail to notice but a surprising number of passers-by have not read the notices and made the assumption that more flats/accommodation are being built! Bake and Pray provides a great opportunity of letting the businesses know we are still around, we still want to bless them, and we will be back on the High Street once the building work is complete.
“Bake and Pray provides a great opportunity of letting the businesses know we are still around, we still want to bless them, and we will be back on the High Street once the building work is complete.”
The idea of bake and pray is simple: choose and sign up for a shop or business (or more than one!), to bake or buy a cake or other tasty treats, and to pray for that shop. In the month of December, take along the tasty treats to the shop, and as you bring them Christmas greetings, you can use the opportunity to invite them along to the carol service which will be held at the Edgbaston Cricket Ground this year. Aim to deliver your cake by December 15th.
This is something everyone can be involved in: as an individual, as a family, or even as a group venture. Maybe you might like to sign up for one of the new businesses….or maybe you would like the same place as last year! Do feel free to email me to reserve your shop to avoid the disappointment of someone else getting in first!
Look out for the Bake and Pray table in the entrance to Lordswood Girls’ School, between the Sunday services from Nov 10th, where you will find me. That’s where you can sign up for your chosen business and pick up a Christmas card, carol service invitation and some simple instructions. This year, cards will be available to collect from the church office too. I know that many businesses look forward to their cake at Christmas, so let’s not disappoint them. Together, let us make a difference on our High Street this Christmas.
Feel free to contact Jude with any questions you might have, or to sign up by email on