'God has written STRONG by your name'


Last Sunday we announced the launch of our new website. For the Comms team this means change and lots of learning how to do new things. The biggest thing for me was saying goodbye to the Prayer Lists as they used to be. Many months ago, I wrote this small blog about the St John’s Prayer List. With the new website, and saying goodbye to the old, I thought it was the right time to share these inner thoughts:

It’s a trick of technology that always reminds me that God gives us strength in the times when we need it most.

Every week I edit the prayer list, and to do this, I have to check how it looks in HTML – this is the code that the computer uses as instructions. In this case, it shows if a word should be in bold or in italics. Each week, as I add people who are in need, normally physical need, I check to see the HTML and next to their name it says STRONG. I know it only means the name will be in bold typeface, but I love the imagery here. That hidden behind the words of these prayer requests, we each have STRONG by our name. STRONG Brian, STRONG Gill, STRONG Mac.  

Next time you’re in need of prayer, remind yourself that behind the words, God has written STRONG by your name.

Philippians 4:13

Jo English