One brick at a time!
It soon will be three years since we seriously began to look at our proposed re-build, and here we are with a framework of steel, plenty of mud and a distributed congregation. We heard the cost, and if you are anything like me – gulped! – yet also trusted God to take us by the hand and lead us forward – which He truly is. As out treasurer expresses, we cannot thank God enough for His provision, and the sacrificial giving from amongst the congregation. However, when talking “Big Money” I feel a sense of loss. What can I give to play my part?
“I am struck by Proverbs 13:11b; ‘whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow’.”
I do very little online shopping unlike many of you, but I do want to encourage you, if you haven’t already, to sign up to Easy Fundraising. It’s no cost to you, except the effort of completing your purchases via the Donation Reminder or App, as businesses donate percentages direct to Building for Mission.
Some of my purchases have raised 1p! – but it all adds up. You could raise enough to buy a light bulb in the new building, or even a brick! Many retailers are involved, whether it’s Tesco, Asda or Morrisons, or Amazon, E-Bay and Argos, or even Comparison Sites. Don’t despise the little amounts – they add up! Booking holidays and the like may provide greater donations. What about if you have business connections? Could your purchasing department support BFM with retailers like Viking and Office Supplies? I am told that businesses with their regular purchases can really make a difference.
If you haven’t signed up to support St John’s BFM via Easyfundraising why not give it a go? It’s easy and completely free. It would be great if you could take a moment to get started!
Here is a link that will help you, and if you raise a fiver (£5) another fiver will be added to our funds.
Give it a go!
Sue Clegg