Connecting The Dots | Divine Coincidences | Jo Jennings Jo JenningsAugust 20, 2023Connecting The DotsComment
Connecting The Dots | For Such A Time As This | Jon Tattersall Jon TattersallAugust 13, 2023Connecting The DotsComment
Connecting The Dots | Vashti Out! Esther In! | Leonard Browne Leonard BrowneAugust 6, 2023Connecting The DotsComment
Connecting The Dots | Seeing The Invisible Hand | Mark Earey Mark EareyJuly 30, 2023Connecting The DotsComment
Living as Foreigners | Humble | Leonard Browne Leonard BrowneJuly 23, 2023Living as ForeignersComment
Called To Be | A Culturally Relevant Church | Antony Spencer Antony SpencerJuly 16, 2023Called To BeComment
Living as Foreigners | Joyful | Jon Tattersall Jon TattersallJuly 16, 2023Living as ForeignersComment
Called To Be | An Intra Cultural Church | Jon Tattersall Jon TattersallJuly 9, 2023Called To BeComment
Living as Foreigners | Future-proofed | Leonard Browne Leonard BrowneJuly 9, 2023Living as ForeignersComment
Called To Be | A Compassionate Church | Jon Tattersall Jon TattersallJune 25, 2023Called To BeComment