St John's Football Team
“We won!”
On Friday 18 October a group of men from St John's played a football match against a team from Gas Street and we won 8-6!
John Bamford writes: ‘The match on Friday night was a one off game against Gas Street. It was an intense game to a surprisingly high standard. They had youth on there side but our experience and discipline pulled us through!
On Thursdays from 20.00 - 21.00 a group of us meet at Blue Coat School for an indoor kick around. It's not a strictly St John’s group and a lot of friends who have come along over the years are a big part of the kick around. Some weeks we have a large amount of people, other weeks we struggle to make up the numbers. Anyone is welcome to come along and bring a friend with them, depending on numbers it costs up to £5 to attend. If you would like to join us please contact Dan Tang on My ChurchSuite.