20 years of working in primary schools
As the impact of Covid-19 hit, the Bible Reading Fellowship trustees took the difficult decision to bring the Barnabas in Schools programme to a close at the end of August. They felt that schools are focused on adapting to the challenges of the situation and it was highly unlikely that we would have the same opportunities to work in primary schools for some time.
While we are greatly saddened, we recognise that the landscape is changing, not least in the short term as schools adjust. However, we also have so much to celebrate from 20 years of working in primary schools. Much has changed during that time, and it has been a privilege to transition through those changes with them. The response from those we worked with including the national Church of England have been a great encouragement in terms of what we had contributed.
Since September, I have moved into a new role with BRF as the Volunteer Advocate Lead. This is an exciting new post within the organisation and one which will be important as we reshape how we continue to reach and serve across the UK and beyond.
There will be two key aspects of the role. One will involve being part of various national networks representing the wide range of ministries that BRF offers which includes Messy Church, Anna Chaplaincy working alongside older people and Parenting for Faith.
“The gifts and skills that volunteers of all ages and backgrounds offer are so valuable to enhance the work of the organisation”
The other aspect will be to develop, train and support a team of BRF volunteers across the UK. The gifts and skills that volunteers of all ages and backgrounds offer are so valuable to enhance the work of the organisation. It is vital that our volunteers feel valued, informed and resourced. We are developing a system whereby this can happen effectively as we look to encourage more volunteers in the near future alongside those currently involved.
As I settle into this new role, I would particularly value prayer for;
Accessible and creative ways to connect with volunteers given that our Face to Face opportunities will be limited for quite some time. Recognising that not everyone can engage digitally and some who can are feeling digitally overloaded!
That people of all ages and backgrounds will be able to be part of BRF's volunteer team. Reports have indicated that those in their older years often don't feel valued yet they can offer so much. We hear great stories and see photos from Messy Church teams having young people who serve in appropriate roles alongside the 90+ year old leaders whose skills and experience of life inspire others.
For opportunities to build new relationships and networks within this new role albeit in a more 'virtual' world for now.
Your prayers are very much appreciated.
Jane Butcher
Volunteer Advocate Lead. Bible Reading Fellowship
Jane is supported by Bev Reynolds and Alison Earey’s Talk Together Group, and also Year 8 Youth Cell Group.