A Bitter-sweet Year
These last eight months have been a roller-coaster for all of us, and have impacted our lives in profound ways. For me, this time has been both bitter and sweet at the same time. Bitter whilst battling with health (back pain and trouble with my vision again), and sweet as I have seen and tasted the enormous kindness of God embodied in his children. I have seen this in the wonderful NHS doctors who looked after me in a very impactful way. I am extremely grateful to the glaucoma clinic staff for the service they give.
Bitter as I miss my Mum and Dad tremendously, and have been very worried for their wellbeing. Sweet, as God the father came down in an almighty and powerful way in my life with his love, gifts, and practical help, and I was able to spend time with Him.
Bitter, as the women I work with relive their trauma of being locked away during lockdown. Sweet because most of the women I care for pastorally, and mentor, have come to believe in God or grow closer to him. Sweet because of the kindness of people looking after the women at the safe house, looking out for the women and each other.
“There are many more instances of this bitter sweet experience, but I have shared just some of them.”
There are many more instances of this bitter sweet experience, but I have shared just some of them.
There are many things for which I am grateful and give thanks to God:
Most people around me are keeping safe.
My Home Group for being there
The G.P and the hospital
Agapé providing equipment, enabling me to work from home.
All the supporters that continue to support this ministry
The strength of the women to daily overcome some of the horrific things that they have been through.
Four women, who have been brought into His kingdom.
For the “Living and Telling” training that we have been doing at Agapé, and for the opportunity to talk to people I have met through Zoom, about God.
Continue to pray for:
My health, and for protection from losing my eye sight
The women that they will overcome PTSD, and for wisdom for me to know how to support the women, as they grow in their knowledge of God and overcome their fears.
My financial support. Pray that I will have enough support to continue working with Agapé, and the survivors of trafficking. I have lost a lot of my financial support, due to many of my supporters losing their jobs during the pandemic.
Thank you
Rezi Kardellemaj
Agapé. UK.
Rezi is supported by three Home Groups: Helen Nixon’s, Harvey Rigby’s, and Matthew and Fiona Gregson’s.