Heidi Helbig Serving with Global Aid Network (GAIN) UK, humanitarian partner of Agapé UK Spring 2024
Benin LIFE Trip 2023
Last October, we sent a team to Benin to help with our Water for Life Initiative, where GAiN goes to rural villages and provide safe drinking water by drilling 50-80 metres down, tapping onto the water supply and setting up a deep capped well.
The team had an amazing time. They saw how God used them and the Benin team as they serve the people in several rural villages. They were able to experience each part of the process, from active drill operations, to concrete pad construction, to well flushing, and to seeing the finished well, ready to supply the village with fresh, clean water. They also had the opportunity to help build a church and see how the gospel is shared using drama and the Jesus film. Here’s what one participant said:
Our team with the Benin team in front of a brand new well
“GAiN Benin team are incredible, so glad we got to know them a bit better…It was nice to have conversations in the villages and hear from leaders and people on how much their lives have changed/are going to change for the better because of the water wells.”
We will be sending another team this October so please pray that God will handpick each member of the team and He will use this to help the people in the villages and build the faith of each team member.
For more info, visit https://www.globalaidnetwork.org.uk/benin/
Ukrainian volunteers
At our Involvement Centre, as we receive aid donations, we sort these items and pack them into boxes, ready to send to those in need. Since last year, we’ve had 5-6 Ukrainian refugees come regularly (20 regulars overall) to sort and pack. Most of them are non-believers but come and help as they want to do something for their fellow countrymen.
A Ukrainian family who have been serving with Ukraine for Christ (Agapé or Cru in Ukraine) has arrived in the UK and they have been living in Nottingham since 2022. Last year, we told them about our Ukrainian volunteers and discussed how we can share the Gospel with them. The Ukrainian couple, Alex and Diana, came up with the idea of having breakfast with them and sharing some Bible verses. Since last year, Alex has been driving from Nottingham to Birmingham every Wednesday morning to meet with the Ukrainian volunteers and get to know them. Last month, he started this “prayer breakfast” and so far, he has had positive conversations. Please do pray that these volunteers will continue to be open to the Gospel and later will become followers of Jesus.
Alex (bottom left) with Ukrainian volunteers doing prayer breakfast every Wednesday morning.