Waiting For A King | Holy Suspense | Advent #1 | Jo Jennings
Sun 1 dec | 18:00 | mark 13:24-37
Advent means "Arrival," marking the first coming of Jesus as a baby over 2,000 years ago. His birth, death, and resurrection inaugurated the Kingdom of God on earth, fulfilling the long-awaited promises of the prophets. Though this kingdom looked different from what people expected, it brought transformative change to all who embraced it. However, the fullness of Jesus’ kingdom will not be realised until His return. We live in the tension of the "now" and "not yet," where God’s kingdom is present but incomplete. This time calls for a radical way of living—hope-filled yet realistic, acknowledging life’s challenges and disappointments while awaiting Jesus’ return. The question for us is how we live in readiness for that moment. What will Jesus find us doing when He comes back? He invites us to live in "Holy Suspense," preparing for eternity and reflecting this hope to those around us.