When The Music Fades...

I wonder what’s on your playlist? I must admit to ‘cheating’ when compiling my fantasy ‘Desert Island Discs’ by creating two lists, one secular and one sacred, as there are just too many great songs out there! During the first lockdown, Way Maker was my go-to song as I went for my daily walk. This time round it’s Michael W Smith singing Sovereign over all. A special shout out too to a friend of mine who has set the words of John 3:16 to the most beautiful, poignant melody- let me know if you want the YouTube link!

When I was walking recently in my peaceful local park, I was reminded of the song ‘when the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come.’ It struck me that this is a song for our times; all that distracts and which is not important has been stripped away as we focus on what really matters and savour our connections, our small freedoms and God’s sovereignty. It’s all about You, Jesus. This Christmas, let’s simply come to wonder anew at our Saviour whose birth was stripped to the bare minimum yet loaded with significance.

At a recent staff prayer and connect day, a colleague shared how God had been reminding her of the line in O Holy Night ‘a weary world rejoices.’ I’m tired and zoomed-out, and I imagine you are too, balancing Christmas preparations and ever-changing restrictions. The weary world rejoices…let’s take an expectant leap forward into the new and glorious morn with our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, our Prince of Peace in the midst of uncertainty.

Nicole Barnard