'We've seen God provide in miraculous ways...'
As we enter the New Year and look back at 2020, we have so much to be grateful for as a family and as the Betel ministry. God has really protected us all during the past year with the hit of the pandemic and, despite Betel being a community ministry, there have been no serious cases of Covid-19 for us nationally which is wonderful. As many have experienced, Betel has had to close most of its businesses for a large part of the year, and yet we’ve seen God provide in miraculous ways that we never imagined through one off gifts, new donation providers and having to think out of the box. It has stretched us but has helped us rely on God deeper.
Each of our centres have been slowly taking in new men and women, in line with government guidance, and we’ve seen people stay and change- praise God!
Please pray with us that our men and women would stand strong in God as they look to this year, and that they would be willing to walk in faith, knowing that God is with them no matter what lies ahead.
“...and yet we’ve seen God provide in miraculous ways that we never imagined through one off gifts, new donation providers and having to think out of the box.”
As a family we have felt so blessed to have family time over this Christmas time with lots of walks. Harvey has continued at preschool since schools reopened which he loves. He is a little miffed that he didn’t get to start school in September, but is excited that that is something he can look forward to for this year. Sophia loves climbing, loves people, loves her food and happily chats away completely certain that we understand every word. We are proud of how they’ve thrived this past year. Please pray for continued protection for them and adaptability with all the changes happening around them.
Please pray for me, Ruth, as I support our leadership help Betel nationally navigate through Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions. It’s a lot of work and I often feel quite daunted, so I would value prayer for us in this; we need heaps of wisdom and sensitivity. Mark is currently doing his theology course ‘residential’ week online at home which is very intense. Please pray that this goes well.
We are so so grateful for your continued support and prayer, thank you. We pray you would be encouraged this year and see God move in unexpected ways.
Mark and Ruth Cuthbert
Betel. Birmingham.
The Cuthbert family are supported by James and Hannah Reed’s Home Group.