Agapé UK

After 18 months of working from home, the Central Team finally moved back to the newly-revamped HQ (renamed The Hub) in Newhall Street in November, with a launch party attended by the Bishop of Birmingham. The vision of our Central Services director was for a lively, thriving mission hub, with premises suitable for use by all our staff and outside organisations. The Central Team now all work on the same floor but with hybrid working patterns, meaning fewer long commutes, and we have already hosted a meeting of Midlands’ Missions leaders and a gathering for the worldwide day of prayer amongst others. We have settled well into our new working patterns, but are still terribly short-staffed, with urgent need for Communications and IT staff. If you know anyone who might be interested in working with us, please point them in this direction: Careers - Agapé

Raising our profile, showcasing our resources, deepening partnerships
In our desire to encourage believers to share their faith, we have been present at several Open Days and conventions, including All Nations, CRE and later this year Keswick. Most staff also attended Big Church Day Out (BCDO) last weekend, some bravely camping, others opting for the comfort of an air bnb. Tim Moyler who runs the Living and Telling course reports

‘We had hundreds of conversations with a wide variety of people from someone who wanted to become a Christian to another who was seeking out Living & Telling. At any given time we had up to 5 staff, deep in conversation with a very hungry audience. We were probably the only organisation specifically there to inspire, encourage and enable all Christians to grow in confidence in sharing faith in Jesus as a way of life.’

I have been working with my boss, UK National Director Lesley Cheesman, on the 10:02 fundraising campaign, inspired by Luke 10 v.2. This has involved getting to grips with the wonders of Mailchimp and collaborating with colleagues throughout the ministry.

‘The harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for his harvest. Go!…’ Luke 10:02 (CEB)

We are encouraging people to

Pray – set a reminder to pray at 10.02 every week for people to respond to God’s call to GO!
You can also sign up to receive our daily 10:02 prayers.

Give -  £10.02 per month to Agapé UK so that more people are inspired, encouraged and enabled to introduce others to Jesus.

Personal and professional development; prayer requests
In addition to developing my IT skills, I have been grateful to have the time to write articles for our website, encouraging believers in their walk of faith.

Although I have been grateful to see my family without restrictions this past year, I could really do with venturing a little further afield. Whilst I’m not ready to get on a plane, I’d love to be able to get to Wales this summer- please pray that my plans would be realised!

I’d also appreciate prayer for learning to live with Covid; I’m the only one of us in the office still wearing a mask, and most of the team (who are not wearing one) have had Covid. I’m also not looking forward to our annual week-long all-staff conference for which I’ll be masked, as there will be a lot of people. Please pray I don’t feel too overwhelmed by it all!

Finally, please pray for the Central Team, that we would continue to grow in numbers and unity, especially as our director moves on this summer. Please pray that the right replacement would be found, and that they would help us to thrive in all we do.

Thank you for your prayerful support!


Nicole Barnard

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