Team work makes the (Jubilee) dream work!


I love those St John’s events that are marked by a strong sense of team work. There’s something quite special about being amongst a variety of willing people, each using their unique God-given talents.

‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms’.  (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

Examples of such occasions include the Children’s Holiday Club, the Youth Christmas party, tea parties for the elderly, even funerals.  Such events, often around the theme of hospitality, have sometimes been described as ‘St John’s at its best’.

The recent Bank Holiday Thursday was a case in point when the Midweek Service took the form of a special celebration to mark the 70 years of the Queen’s reign, followed by a Jubilee tea party.  This was an opportunity for the Thursday congregation to invite friends, and it was a joy to welcome about 100 people to what was a very meaningful service and a joyous tea party afterwards. In true St John’s style, all were given a warm welcome and enjoyed a number of treats, including a gift of a beautiful book about the Queen’s faith and service, specially written to mark her Platinum Jubilee.

The day before this event, I entered the church building to find some people working on truly amazing floral arrangements (the carnations even had ‘diamonds’ in them); others were putting up bunting; some were hoovering; some moving chairs and tables; some sorting out tea sets, sugar cubes and tongs (it was a posh event!).  And in terms of team work making the dream work, that wasn’t even the half of it.  Way beforehand, the service was put together, beautiful Orders of Service produced, visuals created, royal cakes and biscuits baked (see photo), and many prayers offered. Then on the day, there were welcomers, musicians, PA & visuals operators, readers, a refreshments team, those who cleared up, and much more besides.

‘Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other, and each needs all the others. God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well’.  (Romans 12:4-6a Living Bible)

In the Older Peoples’ ministry, I thank God for such an amazing team of hard-working, willing volunteers, who incidentally tell me they gain as much as they give.

Fellow church members – what part are you playing in the team that is Christ’s body, serving the purposes of His Kingdom?

Next stop – Harborne Carnival? Holiday Club?

Catriona Foster
Pastor for Older People