Betel UK - Ruth Cuthbert

Dear friends,

A belated Happy New Year to you all. We trust that this year has started well and that you’ve experienced God’s goodness and encouragement. We really appreciated a number of days off over the Christmas holidays which we spent meeting up with family and friends, spending quality time with the children and doing some much-needed sorting in the house. We were encouraged with how different Christmas church events and services went, with lots of our Betel and non-Betel folk attending and getting involved.

Betel Motherwell

Two weeks ago, we travelled up to Betel Motherwell in Scotland for the weekend. Mark had been asked to preach, and it had been 8 years since we were last there, so we jumped at the opportunity to go as a family. We weren’t sure whether we would have to postpone our trip due to the crazy winds, but we left a little later on the Friday than we’d originally planned and, although still incredibly windy, managed to avoid the worst of it. The aftermath was quite something, but it has provided Betel with a fair few garden repair jobs within the surrounding community.

It’s so special when you travel to another Betel centre as it just feels like family, and you’re welcomed like family; whether it’s a local centre, national or even in another country, it’s like a big family.

Motherwell have 15 men with them at the moment, with a wonderfully faithful pastoral couple and support family.

Please pray for them as they continue to build support and relations with local churches and community groups, and as they pray about a potential new building they’ve been offered for possible expansion. They see a high turn-over within the men who come to Betel, so please pray that this year would be a season of stability in the lives of these men. That they would have a true revelation of who God is, allow him to transform their lives and that God would raise up faithful leaders who would be inspired to lead other men.

Betel International

This year Betel is celebrating 40 years of Betel International! It’s amazing to see what God has done over those years; from the first man living in a missionary’s home, to around 100 centres around the world. We have just officially registered Betel of Israel which is exciting and we look forward to what God is going to do through that centre. Please pray for the provision of the right property for them, and wisdom as they begin to plan businesses. God continues to surprise us with his plans for Betel and continues to remind us of his power and faithfulness.

Please also pray for Betel India, Asha Bhawan, who are doing an amazing work in over 20 cities, but are experiencing increased persecution, increasing government restrictions and attacks from extremist groups. They have had to transfer many residents in certain areas to communities in safer locations. Please pray for safety and protection for all those in Betel India.

Betel Birmingham

Life’s in full swing again for us with lots of events happening and exciting things planned. We’re excited to begin yearly Community Banquets at Anchor Point, through the church, for the local community which will include a free 3-course meal, live entertainment and kids’ entertainment. Please pray for the in-person door-to-door invitations we’ll be handing out on 2nd and 9th March, and for the event on 15th March. We’d love people to come and experience the love and welcome of God in a relaxed and family-friendly setting.

This year we have 12 teams from churches, universities and training centres visiting Betel Birmingham, and some travel to the other centres, which is wonderful. I, Ruth, help to coordinate and organise the visiting teams. It’s a lot of work and logistical planning, but it’s so encouraging to see teams experience life alongside our men and women in Betel, hear their testimonies and have opportunities to live, work and share alongside them. Every year we welcome a small group from Wycliffe Hall, which has been such a blessing and is a great partnership. Please pray for the logistics for these teams, and Godly wisdom about

how to maximise the Betel experience for each of the teams while providing them with opportunities to minister and exercise their giftings.

One of the many areas that Mark serves in is teaching Bible study courses for our more long-term men, women and volunteers. He is currently teaching a series on Reading and Understanding the Bible, which is a real passion of Mark’s. Please pray that those who are part of this series would have a new and invigorated love for God’s word and revelation that would deepen their understanding and ultimately their relationship with the Lord.

Upcoming Betel Conferences

Every year we host a number of Betel conferences at Anchor Point. If you are free on any of the following dates, we’d love to see you at one of our National Betel conferences this year. If you are passionate about the Arts and exploring how they could be used more in your church, or individually, we are hosting a Creative Arts conference in May which I’d encourage you to come along to. You are always so welcome at any of these conferences.

25-27 April

23-25 May - Creative Arts Conference

19-21 September

7-9 November

Thank you so much for your love and support. We absolutely could not do what we do without you!

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