World Day of Prayer 2025 - Andrea Harden (WDP Coordinator Harborne Branch)
A big Thank you to all who attended this uplifting and challenging service. We were blessed to see so many of the Harborne churches involved in leading it, and in the congregation. I was very encouraged to see so many people from St. Johns. There are not many inter church events in Harborne at present and I really felt that the profile of this service continues to rise. St. Mary's were wonderful hosts, in their organisation, the use of their beautiful sanctuary, their amazing organist Stephen who made sure everyone was familiar with the hymns and songs before the service. Not to forget the teas in the Parish Centre after our rehearsal and after the service. Our thanks also go to Father Hillary for his support.
Our theme was ' I made you wonderful ', and was based around Psalm 139 (one of my favourites), and the service was put together by Christian women from the Cook Islands, an independent country, with strong links to New Zealand. The local language is Maori and we used the Maori greeting 'Kia Orana' many times during the service. It means 'May you live well', May you live long', 'May you shine like the sun', May you dance with the waves'. The service included stories of faith from 3 Cook Island women. One of these was one of our Monday afternoon English Language students, Novend, who took part in the service, most ably.
We also included the Ukrainian Lords Prayer as we have done in a recent service. The table was also dressed in blue and yellow, sea and sand , but also the Ukraine colours.
Next year the focus country will be Nigeria, so watch this space for details.
Kia Orana!